
Musical Quasi-Guilty Pleasures

Chuck Klosterman once wrote that there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Now, I'm going to paraphrase, but he essentially argued that 'guilty pleasure' was a term utilized by those too ashamed to admit they like something that they "shouldn't" enjoy; that saying something is a guilty pleasure was a cop out for those not secure enough in his or her affinity to a particular musical artist or song. While I'm not sure I buy this (I think that admitting something is a guilty pleasure is just another way of saying you like it, kind of like how the Eskimos have 30 ways to say "snow") I will reluctantly accept it because Klosterman speaks much truth. BUT, for the purposes of this blog entry, guilty pleasures exist and so do quasi-guilty pleasures.

For example, I have a guilty pleasure and her name is Kelly Clarkson. That’s right, Miss Independent. JB will back me up on this one if you want to debate. I characterize her as a guilty pleasure because, given my disposition to shun popular music, the sight or sound of KC should induce a gastro-intestinal condition. On the contrary, within the first notes of "Since You've Been Gone," I suffer another ailment; heart palpitations. Oh, and Kel, congrats on the Grammy’s. Way to get that hardware girl.

Anywho, I would like to introduce my current, quasi-guilty pleasure; Hard-Fi's "Hard to Beat." I put this song in the quasi-guilty pleasure category because there is no real reason why I shouldn't love this band. Largely unheard of stateside, this band is well on its way to massive status in the UK and down under. While the video for the single "Cash Machine" has been airing on MTV2's Subterranean, the album has not yet been released in the US. I have come into possession of this record through, ahem, means not to be discussed in this posting, and pursuant to the recommendation of a friend who resides in the land of 'roos and great whites.

The reason why "Hard to Beat" has guilty pleasure undertones is that it contains a rather predictable dancey -type beat and borderline laughable lyrics including such gems as: "Turn up the thermostat, I wanna see you sweat . . . Come on lets dance, we gotta take a chance . . . You know I love ya, just wanna touch ya." It also has certain pop-driven tendencies that usually make me shudder, but this time make me want to dance.

So in essence, I should like the band, but perhaps be a bit more discerning regarding the song itself. This song is equal parts Franz Ferdinand and Kylie Minogue. Translation: the song is pure unadulterated fun, and sometimes that is all one wants in a song. "Hard to Beat" delivers in this respect, if for no other reason, and that is OK. Hard-Fi's "Hard to Beat" is rocky dance music (where I would describe Franz Ferdinand as dancey rock music).

Quick digression: Kylie Minogue is another guilty pleasure of mine. Perhaps it is her undeniable beauty that makes me love her music. Who knows? But, one thing about Kylie that is not a guilty pleasure, rather an unrestrained pleasure is her video for "Come Into My World." It is directed by Michel Gondry (director of feature film Eternal Sunshine...), and is, in a word: brilliant. Check it out here. Give it chance, seriously. Kylie, I love you.

So back to my point, I have listened to "Hard to Beat" about a fa-fillion times today and it is not losing its aural luster. One can almost hear the club remixes that are no doubt already pounding in the London
discos. I wish I was there to hear it. Like I said, the track is crazy fun, and that alone can occasionally make a song incredibly likable. So "Hard to Beat" is a quasi-guilty pleasure of mine, that I'm not at all ashamed to say is a pleasure to listen to. Take that Klosterman.

What are your guilty pleasures? Or should I say, what affection for a song or artist is a love that dare not speak its name?


Blogger quank said...

teeps - if i hear "i'm a slave for you" on the radio while driving, i almost wreck my car. but i'm so with ya. that's why we're getting married.

i was talking about my current guilty pleasure song the other night after the bowl of super to dinner and joshua. even though it's not new, i barely get the chance to hear it. that's because i refuse to buy it online...maybe that's another reason why it could be considered a guilty pleasure. i will only go so far to demonstrate my love. i'll go near the edge, but i won't jump over the cliff. anyhoo, the song right now is "don't lie" by the black eyed peas. it makes me feel like i'm lying on the beach. which is another reason why i love blondie's "the tide is high." which is another reason why we're destined to marry.

Thu Feb 09, 10:09:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dinner said...

JEWEL! hahaha...

Bigg Mike, that Natasha song is infecious, AND it doesn't hurt that she is pretty pretty pretty hot.

Fri Feb 10, 12:16:00 PM CST  
Blogger BD said...

Holding Back The Years- Simply Red

Fri Feb 10, 02:58:00 PM CST  
Blogger quank said...

i like how i am "quaint" according to cutler. ;)

Fri Feb 10, 03:51:00 PM CST  

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