
Good News In June About The Decemberists This October

From Pitchfork:

Decemberists Announce New LP Title, Release Date

Amy Phillips reports:
"In a message to their fan email list last week, the Decemberists announced the first details of their forthcoming Capitol Records debut. It's called The Crane Wife and it's coming out October 3. And there was much rejoicing.

The band is currently working on the album in their hometown of Portland, Oregon, honing an LP out of the 22 songs they've written, some of which are over 10 (!) minutes long. 'This one's going to be really good, though,' the email stated. 'Undoubtedly the best thing we've done to date. And while that might smack of hyperbole ('didn't they say that about the last record?,' you well may be thinking...), we can guarantee that it, at the very least, will be decidedly above average.'"


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