
Communication Breakdown

Dear Friends:

Citing a general lack of inspiration coupled with the impending doom of law school finals, I have decided to impose a potentially temporary, possibly infinite hiatus from writing on DDCD.

That being said, I will be maintaining Psychovisuals more dilligently, perhaps with a bit more writing than just captions with the photos. I hope you will continue to visit and look at the world I see through the camera. That site one more time is:


Thank you for all your kind and thoughtful contributions.
Stay Focused,



Blogger B. Solomon said...

Very sorry to hear about the hiatus - your writing is always enjoyable...hope you come back to DDCD soon Deeps.

Mon Apr 10, 11:34:00 AM CDT  
Blogger MJS said...

I realize this letter is old, but unfornately I haven't been able to visit DDCD in some time. And now that I've returned I find this ... It's a sad day in my world. Please come back.

Mon Apr 24, 02:38:00 PM CDT  

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