
Nerd Hoops And Thoughts Of My Father

After the Illini's solid victory tonight near the purifying waters of Lake Minnetonka (featuring a near triple-double by James Augustine), it is time for the Nerd-western Wildcats to do their home state a favor and play like they have a pair Wednesday night against upstart Ohio State. A Wildcat victory tomorrow would mean that the Illini would have a shot at a third straight Big Ten title if the Orange and Blue could claw a win against the schizophrenic Spartans in East Lansing this Saturday. I'll most likely be in Champaign this Saturday . . . and if all the aforementioned hoops prerequisites are realized, I just might stay in Cham-bana, enroll my self in the Speech Comm major, and do another 4 years worshipping BAM (Bruce [Weber] All Mighty) and the sick recruits we have in-coming.

Also; Tonight I got home from class, had a big dinner prepared with friends, watched the game, had some beers, and fell asleep on the couch watching a TiVo-ed episode of Scrubs at about 10:30. My dad used to come home from work, eat a big dinner prepared by his family, watch some sports (usually the Cubs or Bulls), have a beer or two, and then fall asleep on the couch watching a VHS-ed recording of golf or Bassmasters. As I get older, now a ripe 24.75, I find more and more that I'm becoming like my father. Today (as I played a quick midday 9 with Mike) I was noticing that I putt like him; with a slight forward press before the backstroke and a newly acquired penchant for keeping my head down long after the stroke is finished.

As I approach a true adult life (that inches closer each day), I hope to discover that not only have I acquired the simpler characteristics of my dad's personae (passing out on the couch and an effective putting game), but also that I begin to exhibit his more meaningful qualities, hopefully buried somewhere in my DNA, waiting to emerge when I most need them. Thanks Pop.

Now if you could just help me tighten up my long irons we'd really be on the right track . . .


Blogger quank said...

he fucked around and almost got a triple double.

ps - i think it's nice that you see so much of your dad in you. in a lot of ways, i think i become more like my mom everyday.

Wed Mar 01, 04:49:00 PM CST  
Blogger MJS said...

Were you and Mike night putting, just putting, at night?

I inherited my dad's gas.

Wed Mar 01, 09:40:00 PM CST  

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