
If Music Was Aged Wisconsin White Cheddar...

I'd be 300 lbs and on the brink of a coronary... (and don't confuse my love for Cheddar as a love for Wisconsin, Illinois' biggest sate park. Apart from cheese, Lake Geneva, and Dusty Smith, Wisconsin has little to offer. I wonder where it would rank in mjs' list of hated states).

Back to the purposes of this entry; Inspired by the reccomendations of friends, MTV2's Subterranean, and a rash of upcoming shows (including 4 nights at South By Southwest), I have been acquiring music with the enthusiasm of a young Dinner seeking out Cheeze Whiz. (I was quite 'husky' (as my 7th Grade English teacher put it) as a child). This has been a most prolific last couple of weeks, and nearly everything is hitting. I have so much to listen to, it at times feels overwhelming (not unlike battling a huge pile of cheezy nachos). But, I should not complain for this is a great problem to have.

So here are some of the tracks currently in heavy heavy rotation on the dPod. If you have the capacity to acquire any of these songs or the albums on which they appear, please do so we can talk about them and laugh about all the people who listen to Fall Out Boy and Hawthorne Heights.

Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins (pictured below) - "Rise Up With Fists!!" and "Handle With Care" and Rilo Kiley - "It's A Hit"
Destroyer - "Painter In Your Pocket"
Arctic Monkeys - "When The Sun Goes Down"
Sound Team - "Don't Turn Away"
Seu Jorge - "Team Zizzou"
The Cribs - "Hey Scenesters!"
We Are Scientists - "The Great Escape"
Cat Power - "Living Proof"
Editors - "Munich" (kind of an Interpol rip, but it's still good).
Elbow - "Great Expectations"
The Sun - "Lost At Home"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Stable Song" (Plans just won't go away).
The Magic Numbers - "Long Legs" and Mornings Eleven"
The Boy Least Likely To - "Hugging My Grudge"
Hard-Fi - "Tied Up Too Tight"
The Subways - "Mary"
Pinback - "Syracuse"
John Vanderslice (pictured)- "Exodus Damage"

Just as I sought out more cheese as a young lad, I seek out music now. What are YOU listening to?..


Blogger BD said...

...It never was easy being cheezy.

Yet, I feel like creating a dPod playlist out of these songs. And so I will. In twenty minutes/ itune dollars I will be listening to these exact songs. Heck! I might even make Dinner-inspired nachos for lunch.

FYI: did you know that in Colorado they call nacho cheese, soft cheese?

As I write this, I am listening to "(Take Me Home) Country Roads" by Toots & The Maytals. And thus smiling uncontrolably.

Tue Feb 28, 03:54:00 PM CST  
Blogger MJS said...

Exciting stuff tonight ... I'm meeting my dealer/friend who will deliver me a data album chalk full of new songs. I believe many, if not all, you listed will be included in this cd.

Wisconsin is the sixth man in my top 5 least favorite states.

Tue Feb 28, 06:42:00 PM CST  
Blogger quank said...

i'm inundated with books right now, so no music to offer. however, perhaps you might want to borrow "i am the cheese" by robert cormier.

Tue Feb 28, 08:35:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dinner said...

Hmm, I will have to pick up some Toots, Mariah (for she has jables feelin some e-mo-tion... juss kidding), Talib (who inexplicably has a Big Ten hoops commercial), and Liars.

Thanks for the recs... mjs let me know what you get ahold of from your dealer... Paul what does "PWNS" mean?
Is it Pretty Wonderful 'N Sweet?

Tue Feb 28, 11:28:00 PM CST  

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