
Unofficial Temporary Hiatus

Dearest Readers:

I would like to start by apologizing for an unannounced hiatus from posting on DDCD. For whatever reason, I've felt rather uninspired by the world around me and have not been compelled to write. All apologies...

Spring Break 2006 is upon us in the law school world, and I have begun my jaunt in Chicago, where today I'll be celebrating "Unoffical" St. Patrick's Day in the city. Being an Irishman myself, I fully realized that this day is not the real thing, but it serves as an excuse to drink all day and watch college hoops and wear green. I'm for all of these things, and symbolic logic tells me that I'm for"Unofficial" St. Patrick's Day.

An interesting tidbit about St. Patrick's Day related horror films (that I learned yesterday) is that Jen Aniston, yes Rachel "Green," was the female lead in Leprechaun! Brilliant. Beat that Man-gelnina Jolie!

I'll be celebrating the real St. Patty's in Austin, Massachusetts where I'll be going to a few shows and meeting all sorts of nice U-Texas coeds. On the 17th I'll be at the SPIN Magazine party, where I hope to bend Chuck Klostermann's ear and have a look at Lohan's rear.

Because of the upcoming travel and resultant limited computer access, I am taking an unoffical temporary hiatus from DDCD, BUT if I have the means I will post from the road, aiight? Hopefully, I'll return with many thoughts about what I've seen on my travels, college hoops, and at least one sexy time story.

Stay Focused,


Blogger MJS said...

Thanks for the update ... What are the odds of you getting a look at Klosterman's rear and Lohan's ear?

Sat Mar 11, 04:52:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dinner said...

Hmmm, now that would be a story...

Sun Mar 12, 09:57:00 AM CST  

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