
A Letter Concerning Pop Sensibilities and Disappointments

Dearest friends,

I have written to you before about my not-so-clandestine affinity for pop darlings Kelly Clarkson and Kylie Minogue. I used to hide them behind the label "guilty pleasures," but I've sinced learned that is a shameful cop out, so now I'm unafraid to admit my glee when the poppy goodness of these tho women fills the air.

I have since developed a crush on two new pop artistis. One solo artist and one group.

1) Lily Allen - a 21 year old Briton with a lovely vioce singing a reggae bounce ditty about the enjoyment of watching an ex unravel while she heals. Apparently she also has a bit of an attitude.

2) The Pipettes - A trio of songbirds channelling 50's/60's motown. They all dress the same and seem to love arm-based, loosely-performed choreography. Ain't nothing wrong with that. The hook of this tune is brilliant. Don't blink 'coz before you know it this tune will be finished but will linger in your dome for days.

Check out Lily HERE and The Pipettes HERE.

So I guess that is all I have to say for now . . . oh my disappointment? Right. No, it's not the US Men's National Soccer Team. I already told you about that. Hmmmmm, how should I put this?

I know it woun't turn the team around or cause them to win the wild card, but it would be a step in the right direction. This team needs some fire and Dusty is like a piece of wet pine.

All the best to you my friends.
Stay Focused,

Two Scoops


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