
buzz buzz little bee. have some pablo honey. buzz.

oh you like radiohead do you? then i'm assuming you probably are already aware that thom, during the last tour break, did some tinkering and creating in a studio with his bosom buddy nigel and managed to make a record. its called The Eraser and it drops in the u.s. july eleventh on indie label xl. for some truly cryptic and befuddling information about the record dip your proverbial toe into www.theeraser.net

a little thom fan on the west coast informed that he had come into contact with The Eraser. i now have rubbed up against The Eraser. if you enjoy radiohead you'll enjoy this record. that much is transparent in its obviousness. repetitive drum/blip/bleep/crack loops dominate. the piano-like sounds lurk (especially on the title track), but remain largely extras in this preformance. the same can be said for any semblance of a six string. look for electronic percussion layouts and thom's distinctive wail in an unadulterated style (without any discernable filters or reverb) and whirring auras of disciplined feedback/synth arrangements and thom's spastic dome with half-closed eye. they're all stars on The Eraser.


Blogger quank said...

michael bolton and nicolette sheridan recorded a duet.

Thu Jun 08, 07:42:00 PM CDT  
Blogger MJS said...

You brag of possessing this album -- which, by the way, is piracy Mr. Hot Shot Soon-To-Be Attorney -- and yet you haven't shared it with your friends. Telling. Very telling.

Tue Jun 20, 06:01:00 PM CDT  

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