
SXSW Blog Fusion Announcement & Straightforward Directive #2

Me and Albert Hammond. Austin, Texas. 03.15.2006.

Hey scenesters, the hiatus is over! I'm back from Austin and I'll be starting to post stories and thoughts from my trip during the coming days and weeks, so prepare to rock your tight little asses off through the written words of a tired, yet incredibly musically fulfilled fan. ALSO, I'm going to be posting some snaps from my time in Texas, potentially prospectively loosely tied to the posts here on DDCD so be sure to visit Psychovisuals often in the coming weeks. I have many photo to show...

Straightforward Directive #2: Listen to The Cribs.

Drummer Ross Jarman and Bass Guitarist / Vocalist Gary Jarman

Guitarist / Vocalist Ryan Jarman

In this brave new world of bands whose names lead with everyone’s favorite article of speech, sometimes it becomes hard to differentiate between The Crap and The Shit. The Cribs fall into the latter category of fecal adjective-ity. They are one of the best fraternal bands to come from the UK since Liam and Noel decided to Definitely Maybe inspire millions. If these pics from South By Southwest are any indication, The Cribs rock pretty hard. So, if you like rocking hard, listen to the Cribs. Aiight?


Blogger quank said...

cool pics. your finger looks ungodly long in the first one.

Mon Mar 20, 11:55:00 PM CST  
Blogger MJS said...

You proved yourself to be a truly intrepid music fan this weekend ... storming into The Pageant fresh off a weary week in Austin. Brava.

Tue Mar 21, 07:08:00 PM CST  

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