
Why is RBI Baseball Is The Best Video Game Ever?

Because you can do stuff like this...


= AMAZING (or just some people with far too much free time)

Experience "Game 6" of the the 1986 World Series in 8-bit Graphics by clicking HERE.

My Favorite is the Miller Lite Player of the Game shot. Classic.


20,000 Games Under .500

After watching the Cubs choke their way through another losing effort at Wrigley (9 in a row) my frustration with my favorite sports franchise of all time is hitting an all time high. While I certainly do not forgive the physical errors and goofs the players make on the field, I absolutely despise the fact that the team has no attitude or swagger of which to speak. If you are going to lose, lose while leaving your sweat and blood and jock strap on the field. Lose a firey, hard-fought loss, not a bungling dry heave of pathetic slip-ups. The only player showing me anything enjoyable or inspiring is Carlos Zambrano who tonight, despite giving up 4 runs in 8 innings, did everything in his power to help his team win (including knocking a single and a two-run tater), and actually had an opportunity to notch the win until Ryan "Cum" Dumpster came in and blew the game.

The team looks more tired and disinterested with each loss, and I believe this downward spiral begins with the manager. The old cliche must be true, the team embodies the spirit of the manager. Dusty is showing the fans no desire and no competitive fire. Despite his achievements earlier in his career, I feel it is time for Dusty to blow right out of the city of wind. Get someone in town who is going to motivate this team and not make excuses. Might I suggest Mike Ditka, Steve Stone, or Doug Dascenzo.

"Uhhhh, I've used 11 starters this year and 5 of them have been rookies." Fuck you Dusty, win. "You know losing Prior, Wood, and Lee has been a huge blow to the team." Fuck you Dusty, win.
"It just seems like things aren't going our way." Fuck you Dusty, win. For Pete's sake the Florida Fish are a far better team and their pond (except for Cabrera and Willis) is stocked with players who would be minor-leaguers in most organizations.

Especially disheartening is the way Dusty continually throws his players (injuries and all) under the proverbial bus and makes excuses for the team's pathetic performances. This unfortunate characteristic was highlighted beautifully in the Sun Times this morning by Chris DeLuca. What ever happened to going to bat for your players, leading by example, and stepping up and accepting responsibility (even if the losing isn't really your fault) ? "Players' manager" my ass, Dusty only cares about himself and nabbing that contract extension.

SUMMARY: I want Dusty gone before the All-Star Break. I know it probably won't happen, and I certainly know that the team needs PLENTY of work apart from the man making the decision in the dugout, but this team needs a shakeup. Let's start it by shipping Dusty back where he came from. That way maybe next year the Cubs can play like the .500 team they really are.

(Cards/ChiSox fans don't mistake this lovers' quarrel with the impending doom of a breakup... that would never happen and you know it. I'm just really upset right now beacuse the Cubs have let themselves go. But I'm confident they'll get back on that stairmaster, do the pilates, and get as fit as they were when we first started banging... in 1984). Giggity.

A Letter Concerning Pop Sensibilities and Disappointments

Dearest friends,

I have written to you before about my not-so-clandestine affinity for pop darlings Kelly Clarkson and Kylie Minogue. I used to hide them behind the label "guilty pleasures," but I've sinced learned that is a shameful cop out, so now I'm unafraid to admit my glee when the poppy goodness of these tho women fills the air.

I have since developed a crush on two new pop artistis. One solo artist and one group.

1) Lily Allen - a 21 year old Briton with a lovely vioce singing a reggae bounce ditty about the enjoyment of watching an ex unravel while she heals. Apparently she also has a bit of an attitude.

2) The Pipettes - A trio of songbirds channelling 50's/60's motown. They all dress the same and seem to love arm-based, loosely-performed choreography. Ain't nothing wrong with that. The hook of this tune is brilliant. Don't blink 'coz before you know it this tune will be finished but will linger in your dome for days.

Check out Lily HERE and The Pipettes HERE.

So I guess that is all I have to say for now . . . oh my disappointment? Right. No, it's not the US Men's National Soccer Team. I already told you about that. Hmmmmm, how should I put this?

I know it woun't turn the team around or cause them to win the wild card, but it would be a step in the right direction. This team needs some fire and Dusty is like a piece of wet pine.

All the best to you my friends.
Stay Focused,

Two Scoops


Not Ghana Happen This Year

What an utter let down. The Cubs fan in me says, "Wait 'till next year." Except for the World Cup, it goes a little something like this "Wait 'till South Aftica 2010." I'm going. Who is with me?

For now, I'm all for the Brits and the Dutch. Who do you support now that Sam's Army has lost their war?


buzz buzz little bee. have some pablo honey. buzz.

oh you like radiohead do you? then i'm assuming you probably are already aware that thom, during the last tour break, did some tinkering and creating in a studio with his bosom buddy nigel and managed to make a record. its called The Eraser and it drops in the u.s. july eleventh on indie label xl. for some truly cryptic and befuddling information about the record dip your proverbial toe into www.theeraser.net

a little thom fan on the west coast informed that he had come into contact with The Eraser. i now have rubbed up against The Eraser. if you enjoy radiohead you'll enjoy this record. that much is transparent in its obviousness. repetitive drum/blip/bleep/crack loops dominate. the piano-like sounds lurk (especially on the title track), but remain largely extras in this preformance. the same can be said for any semblance of a six string. look for electronic percussion layouts and thom's distinctive wail in an unadulterated style (without any discernable filters or reverb) and whirring auras of disciplined feedback/synth arrangements and thom's spastic dome with half-closed eye. they're all stars on The Eraser.


Good News In June About The Decemberists This October

From Pitchfork:

Decemberists Announce New LP Title, Release Date

Amy Phillips reports:
"In a message to their fan email list last week, the Decemberists announced the first details of their forthcoming Capitol Records debut. It's called The Crane Wife and it's coming out October 3. And there was much rejoicing.

The band is currently working on the album in their hometown of Portland, Oregon, honing an LP out of the 22 songs they've written, some of which are over 10 (!) minutes long. 'This one's going to be really good, though,' the email stated. 'Undoubtedly the best thing we've done to date. And while that might smack of hyperbole ('didn't they say that about the last record?,' you well may be thinking...), we can guarantee that it, at the very least, will be decidedly above average.'"


A Letter Concerning Thoughs on Graduation

Dearest Friends,

Hey there, how are you? I hope all is well with you and this this letter finds you doing swimmingly. So once agian, I have managed to lazily engineer a great delay in my writing. I cite as excuses the time consuming whirlwind of moving to Elgin from St. Louis, starting my bar review class in Chicago, studying, going to Cubs games, going to concerts, and graduating from law school. And drinking. I'm going to try a new format for the summer and offer shorter bursts of the words, but with greater frequency and incorporating this letter model that you are experiencing now. We'll see how this works out...

I read in the local rag this afternoon that Stephen Colbert delivered the commencement speech at tiny Knox College right here in good old Illinois. I immediately grinned and imagined what it must have been like to sit in that audience as a 22 year old, laughing at Colbert's limitless wit and savvy political / media satire. I bet it was quite an event. Read about it here and here. As many know and have most likely already seen on the web or on DVD, Ali G spoke (not at the actual commencement ceremony) to Harvard graduates in 2004. Here is some of that Ali G fun for those of you not in the know.

I have been to 6 graduation ceremonies. Three for my brother and three of my own. Larkin High School: 1995 (Blayne) and 1999 (Darren). University of Illinois: 1999 (Blayne) and 2003 (D-Pat). Harvard Law School: 2002 (Blayne). Washington University School of Law: 2006 (Dinner /Two Scoops). Apart from my law school gradutaion, that took place about 2 weeks ago, I remember essentially nothing about the substance of the ceremony. For instance, for my college graduation, all I can recall is that I was incredibly hungover and I was told to stand, told to graduate, and told to sit. Memories of my law school graduation ceremony will no doubt quickly leave my mind as other more memorable memories take up that space.

What I do remember about my gradutions is the revelry engaged in with friends before and after the ceremonies. These are the memorable moments at which I will grin as I look back on my academic transition events. My guess is that those kids at Knox College will have these moments too, but most will remember the ceremony with just as much delight. This leads me to my ultimate conclusion and the point of all this; Graduations these days should be a little more "pimp" than "pomp" and a little more "celebration" than "circumstance." What say you to that?

All the best,
Stay focused,

Two Scoops

Post Script: Here is some bonus Colbert.

Post Post Script: The new Calexico record Garden Ruin is quite excellent. I thank Glandypants Arner for that rec. I once dogged "Tex-Mexico" for a less than stellar opening performance for Wilco a cupla years ago at the Fox in the Lou, but this record has made the worm turn for my relationship with Calexico.